AQUARIUS PRESS Headline Animator

Friday, February 29, 2008

College Application Essay Writing Book a Dream Realized

It's been several years since I and a couple of fellow writers started teaching workshops on how to write college application essays. I personally believe that this is a neglected art, causing many of today's students of color to lose out on getting into college. While the book is for anyone interested in applying to college, it's targeted towards urban African American students whose life experiences, at first glance, appear to be drawbacks. These students typically have not seen much outside of their own community and cannot reflect upon a "backpacking through Europe" experience or "summer spent at Space Camp." Many of these students come from single-parent homes, some are foster care children, some are homeless--their dreams for college should not be overlooked.

The book contains writing prompts to draw out the uniqueness of every student's experience, and teaches the basics of good essay writing. We hope that this book will make a positive impact on today's students. To contact us for a college application writing workshop, email us.

1 comment:

College Research Papers said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.