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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Aquarius Press Authors Coming Your Way!

We are proud to welcome the following authors to the Aquarius Press family:
Karen Williams, Elegy for a Scarred Shoulder (poetry)
John Jeffire, Stone+Fist+Brick+Bone (poetry)
Min. Cheryl Coleman-Brown, Foundation of Love (inspirational)
Felecia Studstill, Speaking No Evil (poetry)
Carol Atkins, The Trouble with Turtles (collection of columns)
Look for these books on or order direct from us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear about Jeff Jeffire's new book. I am going to order it immediately! Not only is Jeff a great writer, but he is also a great person. Best of luck on the book! Veronica Davids