AQUARIUS PRESS Headline Animator

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week Ending September 29, 2007

Finally, let's meet Briane, Celeste's enemy. Seemingly harmless at first, Briane comes to play a major role in this saga. She comes to the Fontaine estate just as Celeste's and Louis' foray into summer love ends, as Celeste realizes should could not love a man who owns her. Louis' father, Bennet, has decided that in order to save their failing farm, Louis must marry Briane Hubert of Montreal in an effort to infuse some funds. Louis is outraged, for he loves Celeste and does not want to marry someone he doesn't know. Louis' love for Celeste turns out to be terrifying, for he will not lose his precious possession.

Briane, tall, lanky and clumsy, finds herself in a marriage to man who hates her, and that makes her hate Celeste even more. Briane goes out of her way to do great bodily harm to Celeste, wanting Louis all to herself. After one final humiliating incident with Louis, Briane goes to the ultimate lengths to put an end to Celeste.

Remember that next week is the final installment for this year's Virtual Book Tour, so don't miss it!

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